President Obama is much more popular than President Bush was in 2006 or President Clinton was in 1994.
According to a Washington Post/ABC Poll: President Obama’s approval rating is 50%-47% [ABC/WP Poll, 7/13/10], while a Bloomberg poll measured President Obama’s approval at 52%-44% [Bloomberg Poll, 7/14/10].
In comparison, a November 2006 Washington Post/ABC poll measured President Bush’s approval at 40%-57% [ABC/WP Poll, 10/13/08] and, according to an October 1994 Gallup poll, President Clinton’s approval rating that fall was 41%-52% [Gallup President Approval Rating Index]. Considering the current state of the economy, a country engaged in two wars, the oil spillin the Gulf and united and politically motivated Republican obstruction in Congress, President Obama’s job approval ratings remain relatively strong and are much stronger than either those of President Clinton or President Bush when their party’s lost control of Congress.
Similarly, more voters trust the President and Congressional Democrats to lead the country than trust Republicans to do so.
According to a recent Washington Post/ABC poll, 43% of voters have confidence in the President and 32% have confidence in Congressional Democrats to make the right decisions for the country’s future. In comparison, only 26% have confidence in Republicans in Congress to make the right decisions for the country’s future. [ABC/WP Poll, 7/13/10] While much has been made of the result on this question for the President, politics is a comparative exercise and President Obama and Congressional Democrats remain in a stronger position with the public and are held in higher esteem than are Republicans.
In fact, on what may be the most important issue of this election – the economy – Democrats lead Republicans in voter trust, and do so by a similar margin to Democrats in 2006 and a larger margin than Republicans in 1994.
According to a Washington Post/ABC poll, registered voters trust Democrats over Republicans 42% to 34% to do a better job handling the economy, an 8 point margin [ABC/WP Poll, 7/13/10].
In October 2006, when the Washington Post/ABC asked the same question, registered voters picked Democrats over Republicans by 50%-41% [ABC/WP Poll, 7/13/10], a nine point margin. And when they asked the same question in 1994, registered voters picked Republicans over Democrats 43%-38% [ABC/WP Poll, 7/13/10], a five point margin. So, in the two most recent elections where control of Congress flipped from one party to the other the party out of power held the advantage on the economy while the party in power holds that advantage today.
And voters don’t just trust Democrats on the economy; they support Democrats’ legislative efforts to improve the American economy and to move our country forward in other ways. And voters are more likely to support candidates who back the Democratic agenda.
A recent Washington Post/ABC poll found that 39% of voters are more likely to support a candidate who supports the Recovery Act, compared to 37% who are more likely to support a candidate who opposes the Recovery Act [ABC/WP Poll, 7/13/10]. Similarly, a recent Bloomberg poll found that 58% of voters are more likely to support a Congressional candidate that “supports spending government money to create jobs and stimulate employment,” while just 24% said they would be less likely to support that candidate [Bloomberg Poll, 7/14/10].
According to NBC/WSJ, 51% are more likely to vote for a Democratic candidate who says they will give health care a chance while only 44% say they would be more likely to vote for a Republican candidate who says it should be repealed. (NBC/WSJ, 6/21)
And a recent Bloomberg poll found that 45% of voters say they are more likely to support a Congressional candidate who supports “tougher regulations on Wall Street firms,” while only 15% would be less likely to support such a candidate.
Thus, Republicans’ continued weaknesses and low approval ratings are helping Democrats turn this election into a choice between the two parties rather than just a referendum on the party in power. Despite the downcast assessments of Democratic political fortunes, we believe that this election stands to be different than so-called “wave” elections of the past and that Democrats have every reason to be hopeful that we can weather a treacherous political climate and maintain strong majorities in the House and Senate.