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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Small Businessman Tom Holland Announces Candidacy for Governor

My name is Tom Holland. I am a husband, father, State Senator and small business owner.
For the past 16 years, I’ve worked hard to keep my small business competitive and growing. There have been good times and lean times. I understand the challenges facing businesses across the state—making payroll, paying the bills and carving out a path for long-term growth.
I’ve lived my life focused on family, jobs and business.
Growing up, I learned entrepreneurship directly from my mother who started her own successful business doing what she loved. I learned about listening and being responsive to customers’ needs from my father who was a salesman for over 30 years. So, when I went to college, I studied business and started my career as a software engineer. I had a vision of starting my own company where finding business solutions was done through careful listening to customers. A business where innovative solutions to a customer’s problems were delivered on time and under-budget.
Nearly 20 years ago, my wife, Barbara, and I moved our family to Kansas because I had an interim job opportunity at the Santa Fe Railway right here in Topeka. And when that job was complete, we chose to stay here in Kansas.
We saw Kansas as a land of opportunity—as THE place to start and grow our business and realize our American dream. A place where our kids would be in the best public schools. A place where we knew hard work would reward those willing to seek it.
Kansas has been very good to me and my family. But now times have gotten harder. Kansans are facing problems of historic proportions. Our economy is the worst it has been in over two generations.
I've seen problems facing our state before, and I have answered the call for Kansans.
In 2002, I ran to represent my neighbors in the Kansas House of Representatives because our schools were facing severe funding shortages. Year after year, I watched my children’s class room sizes get bigger and important programs being cut.
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I knew how to solve problems for businesses, and when I saw the problems facing my kids’ schools, I decided to lead. I set out to share my vision with other Kansans. The critics said I had no chance. But I went on to beat the established candidate, a four term incumbent and the chair of the House Education Committee.
In 2008, I again answered the call and ran for the State Senate. Again, the critics doubted me. Again, I beat the incumbent.
Now, our state faces an unprecedented budget crisis. Our businesses, schools, social services and public safety programs are in trouble.
Behind me is Lowman Hills Elementary School. It’s just like the hundreds of other neighborhood schools across Kansas, where dedicated men and women are teaching our children and looking to the future.
Like every school in Kansas, where parents, principals, teachers and kids are worried . . . worried what will happen if school funding is cut any further.
Because when we talk about the budget – we are talking about our schools.
When we talk about the budget – we’re talking about providing services to those who are most vulnerable.
When we talk about the budget – we’re talking about protecting public safety.
Every time we talk about the budget – we’re talking about real people, in real communities, in every corner of this state.
The next Kansas Governor must find solutions to these difficult problems, not repeat mistakes of the past.
And for the past 16 years, Sam Brownback has been part of the problem. While in Washington, Brownback presided over a 5 trillion dollar increase in our federal debt, voting against fiscal responsibility and in support of laws that created the recession we're currently facing.
Brownback had a front row seat in Washington while his failed policies made life worse for our families. Now, Sam Brownback wants to put his failed Washington politics and divisive agenda to work in our state.
Enough is enough. We've seen the Sam Brownback way. During his 16 years in Washington, we've seen nothing but more debt, more gridlock and more partisanship. We won't solve today's challenges by bringing Washington's problems to Kansas.
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The people of Kansas deserve a leader who knows how to create jobs and rebuild our economy. Not dig us deeper into the debt, gridlock, and partisanship we’ve seen in Washington. I have a proven track record in running a successful business — doing more with less, meeting a payroll and delivering solutions on time and under-budget. I have a proven track record representing the people in my district; I lead through listening and I am the only candidate who can put politics aside and bring all people together, Republicans, Democrats and proud Independents.
Now I know Sam Brownback has out-of-state money and Washington insiders supporting him. I know the road ahead will be difficult. But I care so deeply about Kansans and our future that I gladly accept the challenge.
I’m standing here today to let Kansans know they DO have a choice for Governor.
My name is Tom Holland, I’m a problem solver and a small businessman and I’m running to be the next Governor of Kansas!
Thank you.

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